Super Teens Challenge

We are continuing with our seven children from Super Kids Challenge (before that, they were the toddlers in my Rags to ‘Riches’ 7 Toddler Challenge😊), in a new Let’s Play Challenge series as teens.

Here are the finalized goals for what is now called ‘Super Teens Challenge’ (draft name was ‘Life Skills Challenge’).

The children have all completed their child goals and this Let’s Play started on Friday, September 25, 2020.

Super Teens Challenge Playlist link

Goals for our Teens

Here are the goals for all seven when they are teens:

  1. To become grade A high school students,
  2. To get to level six in the following skills:
    * cooking, handiness, gardening, fishing, charisma, fitness, logic, one instrument (FYI, level four allows them to continue with their emotional control), research & debate (requires Discover University),
  3. To do the first & second tiers of the following aspirations:
    * Friend of the World
    * Nerd Brain
    * Athletic
    * Music
  4. To max a part time career or their odd job rating (the latter requires Island Living)
  5. To keep at least 4 character values in a range to be positive, though preferably all 5, when they age to Young Adult, these must include Manners & Responsibility (requires Parenthood).
  6. At a minimum, get to level 3 of their chosen aspiration (or their secondary aspiration, if as teens they can’t reach level 3 of their chosen aspiration)
  7. At a minimum max one skill (this will be determined up front, but will depend on the teen & their interests/chosen aspiration, see their pictures below for chosen skill )

We will also see if any of them make any friends and/or start any romances. As such I’d love to have your teen sims (if they are part of a family and/or have been played with, even better) in my save. Use #MaplesLifeSkillChallengeS , #MaplesLSChallengeSims or #MaplesSuperTeenSims when sharing to the gallery. Please no custom content.

Goals for Norah

While the children are working on those goals, Norah will need to finish the fortune aspiration, complete the gardening aspiration and she plans to start university and perhaps work on her cooking aspirations while attending university.

Also, after raising seven children it might be nice for her to find love so her nest isn’t that empty when the kids eventually leave. I’d love some sims to place in my world for her too, use any of the same hashtags as above. 😊

Pictures of each of them as Teens:

Picture of each of them as a Child:

Here is a gallery link to the family (& home when it’s available) if you’d like to play along.

Gallery link to the family when the teens just aged up:

I will add a link to their updated family home as soon as it’s available, the child version is already available and linked below.

As an FYI, here’s the gallery link to the family just after the toddlers aged up to children:

Link to their furnished home as set up for when they were children:

Alternatively, there are also two unfinished, unfurnished versions using base game only available on the gallery:

Version on a 30 x 30 lot:
Gallery link:

Version on a 30 x 20 Lot:
Gallery link:

If you do play along I’d love to see how you do! Please come join my new Facebook group and share how you do in this challenge, or in anything sims related, be it sim creation, build creation or your sims stories or challenges! It’s also a great place to ask any sim related questions that either I or other members can try to answer. Sims Sanctuary

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