Rags to Riches: Snowy Escape Edition

I’m back with another Rags to Riches, this time the focus is the new expansion Snowy Escape.

Link is here and the first part starts Sunday, Dec 6, 2020 at 1 pm

In this Let’s Play we are following our teens Alice Barker and Celeste FitzRoberts, both are spellcasters who were born in my Life After Foster Challenge LP. They’ve decided to set out to the new world of Mt Komorebi and take on the challenge of starting with nothing. Their parents have given them the summer (2 sim weeks) to get established (ie get a small home) and if they do they can stay and continue to pursue their dreams.

Goals for this challenge:

  1. Get a small home by the end of the summer (two sim weeks). All days are vacation days so they do not need to attend school during the summer.
  2. Reach the top of the drama club that they are currently in before they can quit.
  3. Maintain their positive character values (at least 4).
  4. They must have/get a grade A in high school.
  5. Both must max the rock climbing skill and at least one of the other two new skills (snowboarding and skiing).
  6. They both must complete the two new aspirations.
  7. Complete the new Simmi collection.
  8. Vacation in at least two other worlds.
  9. Reach a total value of 200,000 at a minimum (ie total of the home’s value and their money).
  10. At least one must marry and have a child when they become a young adult.
  11. Someone in the household must join the Salaryperson career and at a minimum reach the point where they choose their branch (this can be a spouse/significant other that comes in later).
  12. See how famous they can be as skiiers/snowboarders (requires Get Famous).

Rules/Guidelines for this challenge:

  1. Our sims start with no money on an empty lot and they must pay off the value of the items they brought with them, excluding the homework books, before buying anything (two journals & one crocus, value is 53). Generally to follow the rules from my Rags to Riches guidelines, link here: https://maplesimmer.video.blog/2020/05/05/sims-4-rags-to-riches-guidelines/
  2. Note the lifespan I’ve chosen is ‘long’, if you’d like to play along you can choose the lifespan you want.
  3. If our sims want to go to other worlds they must vacation there (exception is using glimmerstone to go to Magic HQ, visiting a vet clinic if they get a pet and it’s ill, going to the hospital & if they start university, visiting the campus or library). For the purposes of this challenge, Willow Creek, Newcrest & Magnolia Promenade are considered one world and Oasis Springs & Del Sol Valley are considered another world. Rental lots have been placed in one of every world except Strangerville, Forgotten Hollow & Britechester.
  4. If anyone moves in they can’t bring any money or furniture with them. If they do, use cheats to remove the money.

Character Background & Related Let’s Plays:

Alice & Cecile were born and raised until they were teens in my Life After Foster Child Let’s Play if you’d like to see them when they were younger.

While that let’s play focused on their parents as young adults, their parents were originally from my Foster Child Challenge Let’s Play.

Alice’s mother is Jasmine Barker (father is Darrell Charm who came with Realm of Magic) and Cecile’s parents are Eviee Roberts and Clark Fitzgerald. Please note that both Jasmine Barker & Eviee Roberts were provided as toddlers by BeckyXD (Origin ID) and raised to young adults in my Foster Child Challenge. Evie met her now husband Clark as a teen & he joined the Foster Child family and was raised to a young adult and they then married at the end of the challenge. 😊

If you’d like to play along, here’s a link to where they are on the gallery or if you prefer to play with my save, which has their family and the Foster Child Challenge sims. It has been updated to add rental lots to many residential worlds as noted above in rule 3 and updated commercial lots. This save may use items from all packs up to and including Snowy Escape.
Maple Simmer Snowy Escape Save

If you do play along I’d love to see how they do, come join my new Facebook group and share their adventures, or any of your sims, sim builds and their adventures! Sims Sanctuary

It’s also a great place to ask me any Sims related questions you may have. 😊

Nov 10, 2020 Game Update (The Sims 4)

This week’s game update was a big one. It added a lot of new things to the game, there were a lot of bug fixes, some new issues, including crashing across all platforms, particularly PS4, and broke a lot of mods. Here are links to my various videos on the update, as well as links to the update notes, bug reports, forum post re mod impact & various tweets re the issues.

Video overview of What’s New & Common Issues that Were Fixed
Video overview of New Issues
Video regarding the Crashes & Info to Provide to EA
Video overview of the Mod Impact

Also, if you’re on Windows, here’s my video on how to clear packs from your repair queue if your game repair is taking too long.

Here’s my video tutorial on how to prepare for game updates:

Video playlist with all videos on the update

Supporting Links:

Update Notes

Forum post tracking the impact of this weeks game update on mods/cc * https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/983508/broken-updated-mods-cc-snowy-escape-nov-2020

* only mods/cc that don’t raise the game rating are tracked here. If you use the 18+ Basemental mod, make sure you have the version released since the game update as it is causing Script Fail errors.

Tweets by SimGuruNick re EA being aware of the crashing issues:


Post by SimGuruNick on the Sims Forums regarding the Crashing Issues: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/983645/crashing-with-the-november-10-update

EA has indicated that they expect this to be fixed the week of November 20, 2020, per this in game message:

Main Menu Message re Stability Issues

EA AHQ Reports as mentioned in my video:

General bug forum: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/The-Sims-4-Bugs

Links for Reporting Crashing Issues:
Windows: https://tinyurl.com/yyunfluw
PS4: https://tinyurl.com/y4rmktyh
Mac: https://tinyurl.com/y2dkmgfw
XBoxOne: https://tinyurl.com/y2n5g9q7

PS4 Issues with Muting Sounds: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CURRENT-ISSUE-Muted-Sounds/m-p/9716869#M10885

Routing Issues with Open Staircases: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/WORKAROUND-Open-staircase-cause-routing-failures/td-p/9716427

Sims not Aging up with Birthday Cakes: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Sim-doesn-t-age-up-by-blowing-out-candles/m-p/9716468#M160343

Various Reports of Issues with Platforms (ie the new build item):

Origin Issues due to Missing Windows files (Windows, links for the missing files are in this report): https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-PC/CURRENT-ISSUE-Execution-cannot-proceed-because-MSVCP140-DLL-was/td-p/9716597

Anti Virus, Including Windows Defender, Blocking Origin/The Sims 4 (Windows): https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-PC/CURRENT-ISSUE-Anti-Virus-blocking-User-Folder-Screenshots/m-p/9572695

Repairing Game Slows Down Computer & Takes Forever (Windows): https://answers.ea.com/t5/Origin-Client-Web-Technical/Repairing-game-takes-forever-and-slows-down-the-pc/td-p/9677317

⚠️Crashing Issues Still Remaining Since the Audio Crash Issue was Fixed⚠️

Despite the Nov 17/18 game update to fix the audio crashing caused by the Nov 10 game update, there are still many reports of crashing in the game.

⚠️ One of the main causes of this can be the Father Winter tradition (requires Seasons), the other cause can be platforms. ⚠️

Here’s a link to the bug report (screenshot is from there), EA is aware of the isssue: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/CURRENT-ISSUE-Game-Freeze-Extended-Loading-Times-Save-Game/td-p/9721871

There is a mod that is supposed to prevent the Father Winter Issue, see link at the bottom of this document.

There are also reported issues of crashing on MacBook Pros with an M1 chip, here’s a link to that report: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-Mac/CURRENT-ISSUE-freezing-in-CAS-on-Mac-with-M1-chip/m-p/9717611#M39297

If you’re on console and this doesn’t appear to apply to you, here’s a link to a summary of other issues on EA AHQ, I recommend looking there: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues-Consoles/Read-First-Current-Issues-Game-Issues-or-Crashes-Patch-1-34-Nov/m-p/9168420#M8414

Other Common Issues Seen Since My Video & Their EA AHQ Links:

Removed Sim Traits still appear in Sim Info Panel:

Sims Reset Using the Digitalistic Sketchpad (mod to help is listed at the end):

Kittens/Puppies not aging up (mod to help is listed at the end): https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-CD-Kitten-won-t-age-up-even-with-treat-on-home-lot/m-p/9717664

Sims Don’t Autonomously Eat Leftovers/Keep Cooking when Hungry: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Sims-cook-but-don-t-autonomously-eat-cook-more-eat-quick/td-p/9724949

Mods to help with some of the reported issues:

LittleMsSam Random mods includes one for the issue with aging up on a cake and with kittens/puppies not aging: https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175412067973/random-bug-fixes-a-collection-of-random-small-bug

Mod to help stop the Father Winter Issue, however it will not fix the save if it’s already happened: https://www.patreon.com/posts/leroidetout-stop-41967978 (look for the mod with Father Winter in the name)

Mod for the Issue with the Digitalistic Sketchpad: https://modthesims.info/download.php?t=649414

Snowy Escape Expansion Information & Links (Sims 4)

Release date is November 13, 2020 at midnight in your region on Origin (for Mac and PC) and at 10 a.m. PT for Steam, Xbox One, and PlayStation4!

It’s also been confirmed that Seasons is not needed for this expansion.

Price: US$39.99 and should be the usual expansion pack price in your country.

It is available to preorder, however there are no advantages to doing so.

My video overview

Trailers & Livestream replay:

Official Release trailer
Official Gameplay trailer
YouTube Livestream replay
Sims Twitch

EA Blog Posts:

Key Features Blog Post
Snowy Escape Reveal Blog Post
Sims Interactive Quiz; What’s Your Snowy Escape?
Gameplay Trailer Blog Post
Interactive Map

Some SimGuru Tweets re Cross Pack Integration:





Other Links:

Original Press Release

Oct 6, 2020 Game Update Overview & Issues (The Sims 4)

Video Link

Time stamp of what’s covered in the video:

1) Issue with Enabling Mods after update  
2) Update – What’s New:
     i)  Object & Food Overview
     ii) CAS Overview
3) Skin tones not fixed
4) Updated hairstyles (2)
5) Bug fixes
6) Mod Issues
7) Common Bugs not Fixed

Note new items will not show as new as they were added to base game. I show them in the video (see above links) but they can be easier to find if you filter by base game only (both for build/buy and create a sim).

Links referred to in the video:

Patch notes:

Sims Forums: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/982109/october-6th-2020-patch-notes#latest

EA: https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/update-notes-oct-06-2020

Links for Issues with Enabling Mods:

Crinrict tweets:
Re: Options.ini: https://twitter.com/crinrict/status/1313816978549813249
Re: Avast: https://twitter.com/crinrict/status/1313909761725935616
Re: Default.ini: https://twitter.com/crinrict/status/1313910179579166720

How to do a factory reset (Crinrict blog):

Forum Post re Updated/Outdated Mods:


Work around for broken custom content windows/door: https://softpine.tumblr.com/post/628472141284786176/how-to-temporarily-fix-cc-windows-find-a-base

Skin Tones Still Being Blotchy:

SimGuruFrost tweet acknowledging they are also still seeing the Skin Tone issues:

EA AHQ Links for Common Bugs:

If you are experiencing any of these issues, head over and add a ‘Me Too’!

Existing Issues Not Yet Fixed:

1) Freelancer Career: gigs not completing:
Mod to fix this: https://louisim-yt.tumblr.com/post/628437862619201536/this-is-a-mod-that-fixes-the-freelancer-career-in

2) Games (chess, cards, etc) not finishing:

3) Gardening issues (plants look like harvestables/turning to dirt piles):

4) Kids not consistently learning adult skills:

5) Nanocans not paying when player puts the garbage in:

6) Issues with some Get Together doors/windows:

New Issues:

1) New issue with new foods being normal:

Super Teens Challenge

We are continuing with our seven children from Super Kids Challenge (before that, they were the toddlers in my Rags to ‘Riches’ 7 Toddler Challenge😊), in a new Let’s Play Challenge series as teens.

Here are the finalized goals for what is now called ‘Super Teens Challenge’ (draft name was ‘Life Skills Challenge’).

The children have all completed their child goals and this Let’s Play started on Friday, September 25, 2020.

Super Teens Challenge Playlist link

Goals for our Teens

Here are the goals for all seven when they are teens:

  1. To become grade A high school students,
  2. To get to level six in the following skills:
    * cooking, handiness, gardening, fishing, charisma, fitness, logic, one instrument (FYI, level four allows them to continue with their emotional control), research & debate (requires Discover University),
  3. To do the first & second tiers of the following aspirations:
    * Friend of the World
    * Nerd Brain
    * Athletic
    * Music
  4. To max a part time career or their odd job rating (the latter requires Island Living)
  5. To keep at least 4 character values in a range to be positive, though preferably all 5, when they age to Young Adult, these must include Manners & Responsibility (requires Parenthood).
  6. At a minimum, get to level 3 of their chosen aspiration (or their secondary aspiration, if as teens they can’t reach level 3 of their chosen aspiration)
  7. At a minimum max one skill (this will be determined up front, but will depend on the teen & their interests/chosen aspiration, see their pictures below for chosen skill )

We will also see if any of them make any friends and/or start any romances. As such I’d love to have your teen sims (if they are part of a family and/or have been played with, even better) in my save. Use #MaplesLifeSkillChallengeS , #MaplesLSChallengeSims or #MaplesSuperTeenSims when sharing to the gallery. Please no custom content.

Goals for Norah

While the children are working on those goals, Norah will need to finish the fortune aspiration, complete the gardening aspiration and she plans to start university and perhaps work on her cooking aspirations while attending university.

Also, after raising seven children it might be nice for her to find love so her nest isn’t that empty when the kids eventually leave. I’d love some sims to place in my world for her too, use any of the same hashtags as above. 😊

Pictures of each of them as Teens:

Picture of each of them as a Child:

Here is a gallery link to the family (& home when it’s available) if you’d like to play along.

Gallery link to the family when the teens just aged up: https://tinyurl.com/y55tto66

I will add a link to their updated family home as soon as it’s available, the child version is already available and linked below.

As an FYI, here’s the gallery link to the family just after the toddlers aged up to children: https://tinyurl.com/y7b8bvsw

Link to their furnished home as set up for when they were children: https://tinyurl.com/ycfmsyc6

Alternatively, there are also two unfinished, unfurnished versions using base game only available on the gallery:

Version on a 30 x 30 lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y9umjzr3

Version on a 30 x 20 Lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y7g8ah42

If you do play along I’d love to see how you do! Please come join my new Facebook group and share how you do in this challenge, or in anything sims related, be it sim creation, build creation or your sims stories or challenges! It’s also a great place to ask any sim related questions that either I or other members can try to answer. Sims Sanctuary

Life Skills Challenge

I’ve asked if viewers would like to see the seven children from Super Kids Challenge (before that, they were the toddlers in my Rags to ‘Riches’ 7 Toddler Challenge😊), continue in a Let’s Play as teens. So far the consensus is yes. As a result I’ve come up with some goals for them as teens in what I’m tentatively calling ‘Life Skills Challenge’, though I’m open to other name suggestions! Timing of when it will go live will depend on when the kids have completed all their child goals, but we’re getting close on that!

Super Kids Challenge Playlist link

Goals for our Teens

I’m thinking of the following goals for all seven when they are teens:

  1. To become grade A high school students,
  2. To get to level four in the following skills:
    * cooking, handiness, gardening, charisma, fitness, logic, one instrument (that allows them to continue with their emotional control), research & debate (requires Discover University),
  3. To do the first tier of the following aspirations:
    * Friend of the World
    * Nerd Brain/Renaissance Sim (the first tier is the same)
    * Athletic
    * Music
  4. To max a part time career or their odd job rating (the latter requires Island Living)
  5. To keep at least 4 character values in a range to be positive, though preferably all 5, when they age to Young Adult, these must include Manners & Responsibility.
  6. To get to level 2 of their chosen aspiration (these will be picked based on ones teens can do)
  7. At a minimum max one skill (this will be determined up front, but will depend on the teen & their interests/chosen aspiration)

We will also see if any of them make any friends and/or start any romances. As such I’d love to have your teen sims (if they are part of a family and/or have been played with, even better) in my save. Use #MaplesLifeSkillChallengeSims when sharing to the gallery. Please no custom content.

Goals for Norah

While the children are working on those goals, Norah will need to finish the fortune aspiration if she hasn’t already done so and she plans to start university and perhaps work on her cooking aspirations while attending university.

Also, after raising seven children it might be nice for her to find love so her nest isn’t that empty when the kids eventually leave. I’d love some sims to place in my world for her too, use #MaplesLifeSkillChallengeSims, same as above. 😊

Let me know in a comment, either here or on the Super Kids Challenge Let’s Play, if there’s anything else you’d like to see added to this challenge or in general for the Let’s Play.

Once the children have aged up to teens I will add a link to the family and their home if you’d like to play along.

Here’s the gallery link to the family just after the children aged up: https://tinyurl.com/y7b8bvsw

Link to their furnished home as set up for when they were children: https://tinyurl.com/ycfmsyc6

Alternatively, there are also two unfinished, unfurnished versions using base game only available on the gallery:

Version on a 30 x 30 lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y9umjzr3

Version on a 30 x 20 Lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y7g8ah42

N.A.P. Issues with Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle

Eco Lifestyle N.A.P. Issues

Do you have Eco Lifestyle? Are you finding things are going missing? Are NPCs constantly doing things like playing with future cubes, drawing tablets and baking cakes, among other things? This is probably caused by Neighborhood Action Plans (also known as N.A.P.s) that are currently in place. The July 23 game update was supposed to have fixed the issue of N.A.P.s enacted in other neighborhoods impacting your active neighborhood. Here are some suggestions that may help, including links to a couple of mods by Simvasion. 😊

I try to avoid it by turning off NPC voting in game options before I start playing in a save; I would recommend doing this from the world selection menu because I’ve heard of some people having issues with the game crashing after they made the change if they don’t, though not everyone does, so you may be fine if you go in from your neighbourhood menu or from your household.

Here’s what I mean by the world menu.

From there go into game options and select the Eco Lifestyle tab and uncheck the ‘Enable NPC Voting’ option.

Along with not enabling NPC voting, the NAPs I have found to cause no issues are as follows:

  1. Clean Energy Production: Just make sure to add a dew collector & solar panel or windmill (I usually add at least one of all three and have had no problems passing the inspection).
  2. Green Gardening: I’ve heard to pass this one you need to make sure you have bugs (ie the Mitey Mitey Home Insect farm, or bees if you have Seasons) and that the inspector doesn’t look at the size of your garden. I usually have both and have passed this inspection.
  3. Self-Sufficiency: If your sims have a garden and NPCs have access to it, the NPCs will harvest your garden if you’ve not already done so and you lose the harvestables, however if you fence your garden or lot and lock the gate to the area, this NAP also causes no real issues.
  4. The two initiatives that are unique to Green Harbor, Green Initiatives and Modern Development (all three neighbourhoods in Green Harbor have these two options) have not caused me any problems either.

However, if you’ve already started playing in a save and the N.A.P.s are already in place, you can try repealing the N.A.P.s (either using the game play mechanics of getting 5 signatures to support the repeal or by using cheats). If you plan on using the in game mechanics to repeal a N.A.P., you can only do one repeal per voting period and it’s only available while the voting is open (ie 8 am Friday to 6 pm Monday). The use of cheats has the advantage in that you can repeal N.A.P.s at any time and as many as you want.

To use cheats, you need them on (to turn them on type ‘testingcheats on’ or ‘testingcheats true’ in the cheats console). Once they are on, shift click on a mailbox or community board and select ‘instant repeal Neighborhood Action Plan (Cheat)’.

Then select the one you want to repeal. If you want to repeal more than one, just do this again until all the N.A.P.s you want removed have been (there can only be up to four at one time 😊).

Unfortunately my understanding is that sometimes the actions will persist even after they’ve been repealed, if so you can try a couple of mods by Simvasion that should help. They should also help if you want to leave the N.A.P.s in place but have them be less intrusive, for example have them remain in the neighborhoods they originated in. 😊

Here are the links for Simvasion’s mod (it was previously two mods, but they’ve now been consolidated into one), which has been confirmed to still work and be needed after the July 23, 2020 game update:

Eco Lifestyle Interactions Fixes:


The issue of NAPs in other neighborhoods affecting NPC behaviour outside that neighborhood was supposed to be fixed with the pre Nifty Knitting game update of July 23, 2020, however other issues remain.

EA AHQ Links:

Here are the links to the EA AHQ reports on these issues if you want to add a ‘Me Too’. 😊

Items disappearing from lots:

Other threads related to the same N.A.P issue:
Future Cubes/Clay Spawning in Inventories:
Objects disappear from lots/ NPC Stealing (with and without N.A.P):
Random Romance Interactions w/wo active NAP:
Obsessive cooking and baking by sims:

There is also another issue that causes objects to be swiped. This is your OWN Sim swiping his OWN own household objects (Recycle Trait):

Super Kids Challenge

The vote results were to go ahead and do the Super Kids Challenge with our 7 toddlers from my Rags to ‘Riches’ 7 Toddler Challenge. First part will go live Friday, Jul 3 at 1 pm Eastern.

Playlist link

The goals for all seven children will be as follows:

  1. To max all four childhood aspirations;
  2. To complete all their scout badges; and
  3. To get all their character values in a positive range.

While the children are working on those goals, Norah will continue to work on her fortune, painting and gardening aspirations.  We’ll also see how green we can make their Newcrest neighbourhood. Of course her long term goal is to complete her cooking aspiration, but that may have to wait.😊

I’f you’d like to play along with the same family, here’s the gallery link to the family just after the children aged up: https://tinyurl.com/y7b8bvsw

Link to their furnished home, now set up for children: https://tinyurl.com/ycfmsyc6

Alternatively, there are also two unfinished, unfurnished versions using base game only available on the gallery:

Version on a 30 x 30 lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y9umjzr3

Version on a 30 x 20 Lot:
Gallery link: https://tinyurl.com/y7g8ah42

7 Toddler Let’s Play Vote


We’re almost finished with this challenge* so I’d like to know if you’d like to see the family continue in a ‘Super Kids Challenge‘ where the goals for the seven toddlers, once they are newly aged up to children, to do the following:

  1. To max all four childhood aspirations;
  2. To complete all their scout badges; and
  3. To get their character values in a positive range.

While the children are working on those goals, Norah would continue to work on her fortune, painting and gardening aspirations.  We’ll also see how green we can make their Newcrest neighbourhood. 😊

Here’s a link to the poll for the vote, voting will be open until 11:59 PM Eastern, Friday, June 26, 2020:

Regardless of how the vote turns out, after the toddlers age up to children I’ll put both the family and their home, as it is when the challenge ends, on the gallery in case anyone wants to continue with them.  I’ll update this post with the gallery links when they are up on the gallery.😊

*Link to the original challenge: https://maplesimmer.video.blog/2020/05/26/rags-to-riches-seven-toddler-challenge/


Rags to Riches: Eco Lifestyle Edition


Playlist Link

Meet our Sims:

We are starting with a young married couple & the husband’s mother, all of whom are spellcasters, who have recently arrived in Port Promise with a dream to build an eco-friendly home and make the neighbourhood a better place. They’ve used all their money for their trip so are now starting with nothing.

Conor Moon:


Conor is a young adult who is a Maker, a Green Fiend and a Genius, who’s also a Collector due to his Nature Aspiration.

Melody Collins-Moon:


Melody is Conor’s young adult wife who is Creative, a Green Fiend, Family Oriented and a Muser from choosing a Creative Aspiration.

Deirdre Moon:


Deirdre is Conor’s adult mother, who is Family Oriented, a Freegan and a Maker with the Domestic trait from choosing a Family Aspiration.

If you’d like to play along with this family, they are on the gallery, here’s a link:

Challenge Goals:

  1. For Conor & Melody to both:
    • max the Civil Designer career with each taking a different branch
    • to complete the Eco Innovator aspiration.
  2. For both Melody & her mother in law Deirdre to complete the new Maker aspiration.
  3. For them all to turn Port Promise from having an Industrial footprint to having a Green footprint.
  4. For them to build a home that is eco friendly & if possible to generate more power & water than they use.
  5. For them all to complete the fortune aspiration.
  6. In connection with the ‘green initiative’, Deirdre will complete the Botanist aspiration.
  7. Since Deirdre is a freegan we will try to furnish as much as possible using things we find & repair or that we create ourselves.
  8. Bonus Goal: For Conor & Melody to have a family.😊


  1. To start with nothing with a goal to get rich (in this case to complete the fortune aspiration as noted above).
  2. Generally to follow the rules from my Rags to Riches guidelines, one exception is that our sims will have ‘jobs’ since that’s needed to complete their goals; link here:
  3. Note the lifespan I’ve chosen is ‘long’, anyone playing along can choose what they want.
  4. Optional added challenges:
    1. Build/Buy rules – can only purchase from build/buy mode things that can’t be crafted or are known to be found in the dumpster. Timing of these purchases is limited to:
      • Mondays after the Neighborhood voting is done.
      • if the family has children, you can do one-off purchases of what you need for the child as they enter new lifespans (for example when a baby ages up to a toddler and a toddler ages up to a child. This shouldn’t be needed when a child ages up to a teen as their needs are similar to those of an adult).
      • if you have Seasons and Rebate Day falls on a different day, you may enter build/buy mode then too.
      • You can purchase things from the computer, bookcase or planters, or if you have Seasons, from the phone at any time.
      • In all cases, you can only go in one time, if you forget something, you need to wait until the next purchase time.
    2. Try to stay in the three Evergreen Harbor neighbourhoods as much as possible, unless travelling for an aspiration.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or to head over to my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/MapleSimmer/

Alternatively, you can come join my new Facebook group and share how you do in this challenge, or in anything sims related, be it sim creation, sim builds or your sims stories &/or challenges! It’s also a great place to ask any sim related questions, including questions about this or any other challenges, that either I or other members can try to answer. Sims Sanctuary